Collection: Contemporary

Contemporary Art Originals, Prints and Sculptures

The Contemporary Art Prints and Sculptures in our range are by some of today’s most talented Contemporary Artists. Some Artists featured in this collection include Leigh LambertJack Vettriano and many more below.

More about Contemporary Artworks

The term “Contemporary” describes artworks created in our time, typically referring to pieces made by a living artist. For art to be considered contemporary, it must have been created between the ’70s and today.

Contemporary Artworks can feature a vast array of subject areas and stylistic content. Furthermore, artists in this style often strive to challenge common conceptions of what art is and how it might be defined.

For instance, these artists have the freedom to express themselves using their artwork as social commentary and use their pieces to try and break boundaries and barriers in ways that artists of previous times were not able to.

Modern Contemporary Art Prints

Contemporary Prints are some of the most popular choices in the home, making great talking points. Many lovers of contemporary art develop appreciation for favourite artists, becoming collectors of their more popular pieces. Whether you’re looking for artwork to bring a bit of humour to a bland space or create a splash of colour, we’ve got something for everyone in our Contemporary collection.

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